Nigerian Men In USA, Killing Their Imported Wives From Nigeria,See Why -

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Nigerian Men In USA, Killing Their Imported Wives From Nigeria,See Why

Not each man can take the frustrating and mortification from NIgeria wives imported to America. Spouses executioners on frenzy in the US

An Epidemic: Nigerian Men Killing Their Nurse Wives In America "Yes, I have killed the woman that messed up my life; the woman that has destroyed me. I am at Shalom West. My name is David and I am all yours." Those were David Ochola's words amid his 911 (U.S. Crisis Number) call to powers subsequent to shooting dead, his 28 years of age spouse, Priscilla Ochola, in Hennepin, Minnesota.

The 50-years of age, spouse was worn out on being "slighted" by his better half, a Registered Nurse (RN) whom he had brought from Nigeria and supported through nursing school just to have her make significantly more than him in compensation – a circumstance which prompted Mrs. Ochola "going back and forth as she picked without respect for her significant other."

The couple had two kids – four years of age kid and a three year old young lady.

In Texas, Babajide Okeowo had been isolated from his significant other, Funke Okeowo, with whom he dwelled at their Dallas home. Upon the separation, the spouse lost the house to his better half, alongside the greater part of the substance in that, as is generally the convention in the U.S. Divorces where the couple still has underage kids.

Mr. Okeowo, 48, separated his significant other in light of the fact that not long after she turned into a RN and profited than him, she "took control" of the family funds and "controlled" her better half's use and development.

The spouse could no more make any important commitment to his family back in Nigeria unless the wife "endorsed" it. He couldn't go out without her consent. Baffled that his in the past flexible spouse had abruptly turned out to be such a "dread" to him to the point of requesting in court and getting practically everything for which he had worked since going to the US thirty years earlier, the husband got in his vehicle and drove a couple of hundred miles to Dallas to settle the scores.

He discovered her in her SUV, embellished in full Nigerian clothing on her way to the birthday bash composed in her respect. She had turned 46 on that day. Mr. Okeowo let go a few rounds into his better half's middle while she sat at the guiding wheel, barbarously killing her with no attempt at being subtle.

Likewise in Dallas (they beyond any doubt require outrage administration classes in Dallas), Moses Egharevba, 45, did not in any case try to get a weapon. The spouse of Grace Egharevba, 35, beat her to death with a sledge pound while their seven year old little girl watched and shouted for peace.

Mrs. Egharevba's "sin" was that she turned into a RN and began to profit than her better half. This prompted her "monetary freedom" from an evidently tight-fisted spouse who had brought her from Nigeria, as well as subsidized her nursing school instruction.

Like Moses Egharevba, Christopher Ndubuisi of Garland, Texas, (these Texas individuals!) likewise did not try to get a firearm. He crawled into the room where his better half, Christiana, was resting and, with a few blows of the sledge pound, pulverized her head.

Two years before Christiana was executed, her mom, who had been going to from Nigeria, was discovered dead in the bathtub under conditions accepted to be suspicious.

Obviously, Christiana was a RN whose pay predominated that of her significant other when she moved on from nursing school. The spouse trusted that his part as a husband and leader of the family had been usurped by his significant other.

Mr. Ndubuisi's few supplications to his better half's family to intervene and bring Christiana back under his control had all fizzled.

In the event that the conditions encompassing the passing of Christiana's mom were suspicious, those encompassing the demise of a Tennessee lady's mom were definitely not. Agnes Nwodo, a RN, lived in lack of sanitization before her better half, Godfrey Nwodo, saved her and conveyed her to the US. He enlisted her in nursing school immediately. After qualifying as a RN, Mrs. Nwodo accepted "full control" of the family unit. She carried her mom to live with them against her significant other's desires. Mrs. Nwodo immediately acclimated herself with US Family Laws and took full preferred standpoint of them.

Every time the couple contended, the police constrained the spouse to go out whether he had a place to rest or not. On numerous events, Mr. Nwodo invested days in police cells. After separating his significant other, Mr. Nwodo lost to his better half, the house he had possessed for right around 20 years before he wedded her.

He additionally lost guardianship of their three kids to her, with the court granting him just occasional appearance rights. Notwithstanding observing the kids amid appearance was dependably a bother as the spouse would "arrive late at the impartial meeting spot and leave ahead of schedule with exemption."

Mr. Nwodo persevered such a variety of humiliating minutes from his better half and her mom until he could take it no more. One day, he got himself a shotgun and killed both his significant other and her mom.

Caleb Onwudike's better half, Chinyere Onwudike, 36, turned into a RN and didn't really observed the should be controlled by her significant other. Mr. Onwudike, 41, maintained two sources of income to send his better half to her fantasy school after conveying her to the US from Nigeria. Following four years, she qualified as a RN. When she began to profit than her better half, she started to "make major decisions" at home. She "overruled" her husband on the size and cost of the house they acquired in Burtonsville, Maryland. She started to manufacture a house exclusively in her name in their local Umuahia town of Abia State, Nigeria, without her better half's info at all.

Mrs. Onwudike traveled every which way "as she preferred," inside the US and outside the US. Actually, she once headed out to Nigeria for three weeks "without her significant other's consent" to extravagantly cover her dad, in spite of her significant other's protestations that they would be wise to things to do with the cash.

Mrs. Onwudike let her significant other realize this was for the most part her cash and she would spend it anyway she needed. Through her diligent work, she had ascended to an administrative position at the therapeutic focus where she worked.

Upon her arrival from covering her dad, her significant other got one of her kitchen cuts and cut her up like a Thanksgiving turkey inside their home on New Year's Day.

Passing is demise, regardless of how it comes. Yet, the goriest of these twisted killings is most likely the one that happened here in Los Angeles, California.

Joseph Mbu, 50, was burnt out on his RN spouse's "serial discourtesy" of him. The lack of respect started when she turned into a RN. Gloria Mbu, 40, had once advised her significant other he should smoke "rocks" in the event that he thought he could advise her what to do with her cash now that she profited than him.

Before she turned into a RN, Mr. Mbu had been extremely strict with family funds and was marginal domineering in his dealings with Mrs. Mbu. Be that as it may, Mrs. Mbu took in the American framework and would no more permit any man to "put her down." When Joseph Mbu couldn't take it any longer, he repressed his better half one day, fixing her to his vehicle and dragged her on cleared streets all around Los Angeles until her head split in numerous pieces.

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